What number of plastic is safe?

Our world is full of plastic. Open the refrigerator door right now, you will notice that there are plastic items everywhere

if you look carefully at these items, you will see the recycling symbol at the bottom of them.These signs are like a triangle and there are numbers from 1 to 7 inside. These symbols provide important data about the product's recyclability. The existence of these symbols does not indicate that it can be recycled, but it gives information about the possibility of recycling that product.

Life is almost impossible without plastics. But we can try to protect our health and the environment by choosing safe plastics. Therefore, we must know the possible harm of plastic elements.

Know that all plastic materials release toxic chemical when heated, so if you are looking for such products, it is better to go for other materials made of metal or glass.

In the following, we will examine 7 types of plastic along with examples of their use and the possibility of recycling.Number 1 plastic (Polyethylene terephthalate)

This type of plastic is the most common thermoplastic in the world. We know it in water bottles and drinks and glasses. This type of plastic is used in food containers, salad dressings and oil bottles, mouthwash bottles.

The color of this plastic is usually colorless and transparent . This plastic is safe because it is used in plastic containers and food and can be easily recycled.

Number 2 plastic (High density polyethylene) polyethylene HDPE.

This type of plastic is considered one of the safest types of plastic. It is very resistant to heat and freezing. This type of plastic has a high density and can be used in different weather conditions.

·        For cosmetic bottles

·        Stool, chair

·        Toys

·        Play equipment

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This product can be recycled up to ten times

number 3 plastic (polyvinyl chloride)

This type of plastic is not considered as recyclable plastic. But it is used as much as PET plastic. This type of plastic is very dangerous and causes major problems in the hormonal system. This type of plastic can be found in bathroom shower curtains, pipes, cooking oil bottles, as frames in windows, doors and floors.

Source: omnexus.specialchem.com

Is plastic toxic when heated?

The answer to this question is yes, you should never use plastic number 3 for things related to cooking. Food should not be stored in these containers.

Children's toys and inflatables should also be checked to ensure that they do not contain PVC. Recycling this plastic is almost impossible because different additives are added to it.

number 4 plastic (Low density polyethylene )

This plastic is called LDPE. And it is one of the oldest grades of polyethylene. This plastic is relatively safe to use, but it is not compatible with the environment. Because a small percentage of this plastic can be recycled.


·        Bread packaging

·        Compressed bottles

·        Grocery bags

·        Foam packaging

·        Trays and dishes

·        Plastic covers

Number 5 plastic ( Polypropylene )

This type of plastic is the second most produced plastic in the world. This type of plastic is used in various packaging due to its characteristics.

·        Yogurt dishes

·        Cereal box

·        Used diapers

·        Kitchenware

·        Disposable plate

·        Cup

·        Knife

·        Fork

This plastic is recycled, but the total percentage of recycled materials is not more than 3%.

Number 6 plastic (Polystyrene )

This type of plastic is one of the plastics that should be avoided. This type of plastic is quite cheap to produce and due to its light weight, it can be easily changed. This type of plastic is widely used in all kinds of packaging.

·        Disposable cups

·        CD, DVD boxes

·        Egg cartons

·        Disposable food containers, knives, forks

·        Building insulators

This type of plastic is recycled but not readily available

Number 7 plastic (other)


This type of plastic includes new plastics, bio-plastics and all kinds of plastics. Products labeled PC, which stands for Polycarbonate, contain BPA, which is very dangerous.

This type of plastic in products such as:

·        Bottles and sports equipment

·        Car parts

·        Baby bottles

·        Medical and dental equipment

·        Electrical wiring

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It is difficult to recycle them and many factories do not accept it. In fact, there is no standard protocol.

If we want to reach a general conclusion, it is actually impossible to avoid plastics in today's world, but by choosing materials that are safe, the risks of using them can be reduced.


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