What type of plastic are bottle caps?

There are many people around the world who deal with bottle caps. Some of these lids are used on bottles that are for medicinal substances, but some of these lids are used for ordinary bottles such as water bottles.

Each of these bottles has its own manufacturing method and different methods are used to make them.

What is the structure of the bottle cap?

The bottle cap is a closed device and is usually used to preserve the contents of the bottle and has a protective role.

Every bottle cap you have seen so far is usually smooth or textured so that you don't have any problem opening it.

Some of the caps have embossed patterns on them, which are usually about how to open the bottle or the company's logo.

Every plastic cap, whether on bottles or pharmaceutical products, has a thread to keep the cap firmly in place. The threads used inside the door depend on how secure the cap is.

What are the types of plastics used to produce bottle caps?

The thing that should be said about plastic doors is that the majority of these doors can be recycled. In the following, we have mentioned some of the most common types of them:

- PET: or polyethylene terephthalate with the symbol number 1 - this type of plastic is very strong and at the same time very light.

What does PET mean in bottling?

- HDPE: or high-density polyethylene with symbol number 2 - this type of plastic is strong and light weight.

What is High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)?

- LDPE: or low-density polyethylene with the symbol number 4 - this type of plastic has high flexibility and high strength against impact.

What is low density polyethylene (LDPE)?

- PP: or polypropylene with symbol number 5 – this type of plastic is very resistant and durable.

What is polypropylene PP and its use?

Of course, this does not mean that all bottle caps are made of this type of plastic. The material that is chosen for the bottle cap should have a series of features in mind. For example, the cap of a water bottle that may be used once does not need much resistance. But some bottles, like the bottles used for medicines, need so much more resistance.

Of course, note that if these bottles are used for food, they must be food grade and follow the standards of the Food and Drug Organization.

At Logic Packing, we offer a wide range of bottles and bottle caps in sizes from 50 ml to 10 liters. These bottles are used for cosmetics, detergents, pharmaceuticals and chemical products.

Recycling of plastic bottle caps

Considering the progress that the recycling industry has made in the field of recycling plastic products, it is recommended that consumers collect these caps and then give them to recycling centers for recycling.

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